
Define amnesia
Define amnesia

define amnesia

define amnesia

Generalized amnesia (rare): acute onset of complete loss of memory for one’s life history.Continuous amnesia: loss of memory for each new event as it occurs.Systematized amnesia: loss of memory for a specific category of information.Selective amnesia: can recall some, but not all parts of a circumscribed period of time or traumatic event.Localized amnesia (the most common form): failure to recall events during a circumscribed period of time.The DSM-5 lists a variety of memory disturbances that can occur in dissociative amnesia :.

define amnesia

  • May overlap with dissociative fugue, which is apparently purposeful travel or bewildered wandering that is associated with autobiographical amnesia.
  • The concept of repression (repression of memory regarding traumatic events) remains controversial, with scientific studies often being interpreted as supportive of both sides of the argument.
  • This is a controversial diagnostic entity that incorporates elements of psychogenic fugue states (psychogenic amnesia), repressed memory, traumatic amnesia, and conversion.
  • The DSM-5 lists the defining feature as inability to recall important autobiograpical information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is inconsistent with ordinary forgetting.
  • Characterized by an apparent disruption of and/or discontinuity in the normal integration of consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body representation, motor control, and behavior.
  • Previously known as psychogenic amnesia, renamed dissociative amnesia in DSM-IV.

    Dissociative amnesia is classified under the Dissociative Disorders section of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5).

    Define amnesia